A list of licensed agents and their contact details are shown below:
Name | Company Name & Address | Phone | Fax | |
Abbott, Eugene | 3rd Floor ABI Financial Centre, 156 Redcliffe Street, St. John’s, Antigua | (268) 725-6394 / (268) 484-6636 | (268) 562-8239 | eabbott@abifinancialgroup.com |
Abbott, McAlister | Global Citizenship Partners Ltd. 1st floor, ECAB Building,156 Redcliffe Street, St. John’s, Antigua |
(268) 726-3871 / (268) 764-1035 / (268) 484-6514/Telegram: +44 7576 893099 | (268) 462-5590 | mabbott@gcpantigua.com mcabbott1@gmail.com |
Benjamin, Emarline | 156 Redcliffe St. 1st Floor, St. John’s Antigua | (268) 720-6155 | emarlinebenjamin@gmail.com ebenjamin@citizenshipconnect.com |
Brissett George, Leslie-Ann | Leslie-Ann Brissett Legal Services, Suite No. 4, Woods Centre, Friars Hill Road, St. John’s, P.O. Box W1516 | (268) 723-2469 (W), (268) 562-8632 (W), (268) 776-4956 (M) | (268) 562-8632 | leslieann@lbrissettlegal.com |
Cort-Thibou, Sharon | Cort & Cort, Fitzgerald House, 2nd Floor, 44 Church Street, P.O. Box 2010, St. John’s | (268) 462-5232 / 5233 / 562-1530 | (268) 462-5234 | legal@cortandcort.com |
D’Ornellas, Brian | 420 A Jolly Harbour, St. Mary’s, Antigua | (268) 464-7692 | ||
Faustin, Verlyn L. | Cives Mundi Inc, Suite 19, Woods Center, Friars Hill Main Road, St. John’s, Antigua |
(268) 720-7465 / 736-2683 | (268) 462-5590 | vfaustin@gmail.com |
Fisher, Edward | Grant Thornton, #11 Old Parham Road, P.O. Box 1531, St. John’s | (268) 462-3000 | edward.fisher@ag.gt.com | |
Francis, Hollis | HEF LAW Francis Place, Upper Gambles Estate, P.O. Box W1666, St. John’s, Antigua. |
(268) 562-5660 | (268) 562-5670 | cip@heflawantigua.com |
Gobat, T.M. Rufus | Caribbean Lifestyle Services, Dockside Falmouth Harbour St. Paul’s Antigua |
(268) 736-4028 | rufus@cariblife.ag | |
Gonzalez-Peltier, Jan | Dr. Rosa Lee Dr. St. John’s Antigua | (268) 726-2847 | janpeltier@gmail.com | |
Gore, Nigel | Blueprint Development Dockyard Drive, English Harbour, St. Paul’s, Antigua | (268) 782-2470 / (268) 562-8315 | nigel@blueprint-development.com | |
Hadeed, Jason | Blue Waters St. John’s Antigua |
(268) 464-2178 | myriadagroupltd@gmail.com | |
Hechme, Gaye | Island Living Investment Services Ltd, 31 Gambles Estate, P.O. Box 1275, St. John’s |
(268) 562-8474 (W) (268) 464-8686 (W) (268) 562-8473 (F) |
ghechme@ilis.ag antiguacitizenshipinvest.com |
Herbert, Julia | ABI Financial Centre, Redcliffe Street, St. John’s, Antigua |
(268) 720-8886 | ||
Hesse, Marian-Barbara | B. Hesse & Associate, Global Commerce Center Building, Old Parham Road, St. John’s, Antigua | (268) 562-8478 / 764-8896 | (268) 562-8479 | |
Hill, Radford | Hill & Hill Chambers, Long Street, P.O. Box 909, St. John’s | (268) 462-4717 / 1127 / 5939 | (268) 462-0900/ 562-6421 | r.hill@lawhillandhill.com |
Hosam, Alan | AH Consultancy Services Ltd. Deanery Lane, St. John’s, Antigua | (268) 788-4900 | ahconsultancy62@gmail.com | |
Hosam, Kevin | Exclusive Concierge Antigua Barbuda Ocean heights, Hodges Bay P.O.Box W834 St. John’s |
(268) 788-1234 | khosam@conciergeantiguabarbuda.com | |
John, Kelvin | Thomas John & Co., FDICIC Bldg, Lower Factory Rd, St. John’s | (268) 460-5860/1 / 464-1185 | (268) 562-1810 | k.john@thomasjohnlawyers.com |
Katz, Nuri | Apex Capital Partners Inc. #6 Radcliffe Centre Old Parham Road, St. John’s , Antigua |
1 (268) 783-6872 | nkatz@apexcap.org | |
Knight, Peyton | Peyton Knight & Associates Upper Newgate Street, St. John’s, Antigua |
(268) 562-1653 | (268) 562-1654 | pknightlaw@gmail.com www.pknightlawantigua.com |
Lockhart, Stuart | Portofino Building, Jolly Harbour, St. John’s Antigua | (268) 562-6209/6210 | clerks@lockhartlegalchamber.com | |
Maginley, Kirthley | James & Maginley Ltd., Meinl Bank Building, Long Street & Hardcastle Ave, St. John’s | (268) 720-7284 / 3800/ | (305) 290-4241 | kmaginley@jamesandmaginley.com |
Makhoul, Elizabeth | Arton Capital #25 Mandolin Place Friar’s Hill Road St. John’s |
(268) 764-8634 (268) 562-9296 Our office in China:+86 13601964297 (Evelyn XU Xinxin) Dubai: T +971 4 456 9220 |
emakhoul@artoncapital.com info@artoncapital.com www.artoncapital.com |
Mansoor, Abire | Citizens International, Falmouth Harbour Marina, PO Box W701, English Harbour, St. Paul’s, Antigua | (268) 562-8585 | ||
Mansoor-Khouly, Maya | Elevate Citizenship & Realty Ltd. Ixora Close, Crosbies, St. John’s, Antigua |
(268) 736-8181 | elevatecitizenship@gmail.com www.elevatecitizenship.com |
Marcelle-Bailey, Juliette | James & Maginley Ltd., Meinl Bank Building, Long Street & Hardcastle Ave, St. John’s | (268) 7202609/ (268) 562-5774/5 | (305) 290-4241 | jbailey@jamesandmaginley.com |
Roberts-Nicholas, Andrea | Roberts & Co, 60 Nevis Street, St. John’s | (268) 462-0076 / 2176 / 1388 | (268) 462-3077 | andrea.roberts@robertscolaw.com |
Rodgers, Vanetta (Dr.) | Avco Corporate Services Limited, Suite #3, Gambles Medical Centre, Friars Hill Road, P.O. Box 2707, St. John’s | (268) 562-8544 / 464-7484 | (268) 562-8545 | vcrodgers@avcocorp.com www.avcocorp.com |
Tang, Mei | Global Citizenship Partners Ltd. 1st floor, ECAB Building,156 Redcliffe Street, St John’s |
(268) 484 6514 (268) 725 7272 Telegram: +Ruby852HK Telegram: +44 7876053386 |
+ 1 268 462 5590 | trinitian1966@yahoo.com
WeChat: Trinitian1966 |
Tiwari, Romell | AIT Management Services Ltd, Global Commerce Center Building, Old Parham Road, St. John’s, Antigua | (268) 460-7181 / 562-4707 | (268) 460-8982 | rtiwariantigualocalagent@usa.net |
Thomas, Arthur | Thomas John & Co., FDICIC Bldg, Lower Factory Rd, St. John’s | (268) 460-5860/1 / 736-0592 | (268) 562-1810 | a.thomas@thomasjohnlawyers.com |
Warner, Joseph | JDW Consulting Ltd Village Walk Commercial Centre, Friars Hill Road, St. John’s |
(268) 720-4001 / 764-2874 | info@jdwconsultingantigua.com | |
Yang, Stanley | Old Parham Road, St. John’s |
(268) 771-2828 or (268) 771-2838 | stanleyyang1993@gmail.com
Wechat: stanleydelightful |